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Normandy Invasion

June 6, 1944

Dear Mom, Dad & Ethel,

This morning a few of the fellows heard the news about the beginning of the invasion, and, naturally, it is the topic of most interest right now.

Everything here is hazy, and we don’t have a radio. Am sure glad that it finally got underway. There’s no doubt that the sooner we start this grandiose hammering, the sooner it’s going to be over with, and the sooner we’ll be home. However, let’s not be too hasty and jump to conclusions.



June 19, 1944

Dear Mom, Dad & Ethel,

I guess there is no use in hiding anything from you folks, and I know you will react sensibly to what I have to tell you. Otherwise you will make me awful sorry that I am being honest with you.

This letter is being written to you from somewhere in France. I am in excellent condition. I am getting enough to eat, and although this life is a far cry from a tourist’s, I have no complaints.

I hope you are well, and keep the mail rolling. If you can, kindly send me fruit juices: pineapple, orange, grapefruit.



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